Living “Smart”
Suzanne Marlatt-Stewart
Smart phones, smart cars, smart TVs, robotic vacuums—maybe a personal robot like the one in “Frank and the Robot” isn’t here yet, but you will be amazed at the technology available right now that can make your life easier.
Senior Village at SaddleBrooke will sponsor a seminar series called “Living Smart” to bring you up to speed on the latest tech gadgets. The first seminar in the series will be held on June 26 at 11 a.m. in the Coyote room downstairs in the SaddleBrooke One clubhouse. This seminar will explore voice-controlled assistants like Alexa and Google and help you create a “smart” home that can regulate thermostats, lighting, drip systems, music, and even give prescription alerts.
David Loendorf, Senior Village president, will be the presenter. David has advanced degrees in aerospace engineering and computer science with a professional background at NASA and Duke University.
David states, “I have always had a passion for self-learning.”
He plans to present his material from a simple, easy to understand approach including hands-on demonstrations that will be helpful in learning some of these gadgets.
Don’t be left behind; explore some fun and useful tools before the next thing comes along. You might even be able to understand what your children and grandchildren are talking about.
Senior Village at SaddleBrooke is a non-profit organization created by SaddleBrooke residents to provide simple non-medical services to residents of SaddleBrooke to help them live independently and to serve as a resource when they decide to transition from our community.
Annual dues are $48 for a single/$60 for a household. To learn more about Senior Village, to become a member, or to volunteer, call 520-314-1042 or go to

Terry Sterling, a volunteer on the Senior Village Helping Hands team, replaces a garage light for a Village member. This team offers many home and yard services, including computer consulting.
Whoopie, Senior Village Is Open
Suzanne Marlatt-Stewart
It has been a while, but now we can start the new normal for Senior Village. Our volunteers may still be wearing masks and practicing social distancing, but we are available.
As a reminder to our members and other SaddleBrooke residents, Senior Village offers the following services:
Going My Way: Volunteers provide transportation for members to doctor’s appointments, vet appointments, the pharmacy, grocery shopping, hair salons, and other errands. Our services cover all areas of Tucson, except airports.
Helping Hands: Volunteers help with simple chores around the house or yard. Some examples are computer support, replacing air or refrigerator filters, fixing doorbells, and hanging artwork. Our website has a complete list of what we can and can’t do.
Home Automation: This team instructs members on how to use voice-controlled devices, such as Alexa, to control lights and temperature in the home, play music, give reminders for taking prescriptions, and more.
Friendly Contact: Volunteers keep in contact with members via social phone calls or home visits. We also have our furry volunteers; Baxter is one of our certified therapy dogs who makes home visits. For your listening pleasure, arrangements can be made to check out free audio book players.
Fun with Friends: Several monthly activities are scheduled to meet new friends and enjoy interactive participation such as book club, bocce, putters, game day, and Men’s Social Hour. We also celebrate birthdays, which include a no-host luncheon at SaddleBrooke TWO with cake and gifts.
Residential Lockbox Installation: Lockboxes can be purchased through Golder Ranch Fire District for a one time fee of $65, and Senior Village will install at no charge. These boxes provide a safe, secure access to a house by 911 emergency personnel in case a door is locked and the resident can’t get to the door.
Moving On: This service is designed to help meet the needs for members considering transitioning out of SaddleBrooke. The Senior Village team provides resources to assist members through the process of finding a long-term residence facility, learning how to downsize, and arranging packing and estate sales.
Medical Equipment Loan Program: Senior Village helps members contact the local Community Church to access their loaner program and arrange transportation to pick up the needed equipment.
Senior Village annual dues are $48 for an individual and $60 for a couple. Visit or call 520-314-1042.