Niners 2021 Executive Board
Dian Kupper
As is our tradition, the SaddleBrooke Niners gathered to celebrate the season and close out one year as a new one begins. The 2020 board led by Edie Crall has done a superb job under difficult circumstances, and we thank each of them for their contributions in 2020. The 2021 board was introduced: president, Kat Danner; vice president, Terri Tindal; secretary, Kathy Coffman; treasurer, Sandy Wagoner; tournament, Sheryl Nugent; and pairings, Char Crossman.
There were many others recognized for achievements during the year:
Most Improved Golfer: Marty Abisla
Founders Cup Winner: Regina Pang
Club Champion: Debbie Thompson
President’s Cup Winner: Maria Byers
Ringer Board Winners: Recognition was given to the first four places in each of four flights. First in each flight were Sheryl Nugent, Lavetta Torke, LeAnn Ellingson, Marty Wilkes.
Others who were thanked were Jane Chanik, Mike Roddy, Vicki Long, Bob Koblewski, and our sponsors.
Lunch was wonderful, and everyone present enjoyed the opportunity to spend time with friends during this holiday season.
If you are a lady golfer and are looking to join a league, please consider joining the SB Niners.