Photo by Adam Block.
Teresa Greenberg
On Sunday, January 13, 2019, Adam Block will be in SaddleBrooke to speak to us about astrophotography. The presentation will be held in the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center at 7:00 p.m.
Adam attended the University of Arizona where he studied Astronomy and Physics. After graduation he was hired by Kitt Peak National Observatory to head their nightly stargazing programs. For the next nine years he created and developed the core public observing programs that are still offered there today.
In 2007, the creation of what is now called the UA Science Mount Lemmon SkyCenter began. There, as Program Coordinator, Adam is responsible for developing and administrating the Steward Observatory’s public astronomy programs which include presentations, workshops and special events.
Adam created unique programs that highlighted photography of the Universe through a telescope, and throughout the years he has developed specialized techniques for processing astronomical images. The SkyCenter represents the culmination of Adam’s efforts to do public outreach and share his passion of astronomy.
When Adam administers programs at the SkyCenter, he can only inspire for as far as his voice will carry. However, the pictures he creates are far reaching and can be seen by people around the world. Adam is regarded as a world-renowned astrophotographer.
Adam developed, as he says, “specialized techniques for processing astronomical images.” His award-winning photographs have appeared in, among other places, Astronomy Magazine, as NASA’s Astronomy’s Picture of the Day, as one of the best space photos by Time Magazine and was named in 2013 as “Astrophotographer of the Year” by the Royal Academy.
To learn more about our group, visit our public website https://sites.google.com/view/sbskygazers/home. To learn the benefits of being a supporting member, please contact Sam Miller or send a $10 check (per individual) payable to SkyGazers and mail to Sam Miller at 62930 E. Silkwood Way, Tucson, AZ 85739. Also, along with your check, please include your address, phone number and email address.