Save the Date for Health Fair

Phyllis Ketring, Publicity Coordinator

The 2022 Health Fair is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 22, from 9 a.m. to noon.

Exhibitors will be located at both SaddleBrooke One and MountainView, with parking at MountainView and shuttle service between the locations.

It is never too soon to volunteer for the morning of the Health Fair. Volunteers work 90-minute shifts, so that they, too, can attend the fair. It is an easy and fun way to contribute to one of the largest volunteer events here at SaddleBrooke.

The Planning Committee is also seeking someone to work on the committee as volunteer coordinator, and there is a separate article about that position in this issue.

If you are interested in the position of Volunteer Coordinator or being a volunteer on the morning of Oct. 22 at the Health Fair, email Ken Siarkiewicz at