SaddleBrooke’s Comedy Performance Group Looking for New Members

Susan Kravitz, Director

Following a successful debut season in April of 2024, Once Upon a Time Theater has undergone some exciting changes. Foremost, it is now known as Comedy Klatch. The new name reflects its expansion of venue that includes more musical comedy, choreography, and more original satire that specifically relates to a senior population.

For our upcoming season, we are featuring an original, three-act playlet entitled Little Red and the Time Warp Continuum. It is a mash-up of several classic fairytales: Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, and the Wizard of Oz. Imagine the fun and hilarity when Little Red meets the Wolf and her Grandmother in the 21st century, and Snow White’s evil stepmother battles it out with Glinda the Good Witch for the plot’s ending. It carries an “R” rating (no grandchildren) and includes some bawdy twists and turns. “The Three Witches of SaddleBrooke” will be returning with a new challenge that requires quite an unusual spell.

We need a few more cast members to fill the new roles created by our expansion of comedic material. If you love to perform and/or sing and wouldn’t mind leaving rehearsals with your cheeks hurting from laughing so much, you are welcome to audition. We are also seeking a publicity coordinator to join our troupe.

I invite you to come and meet some of our cast and learn more about Comedy Klatch and the audition process at the Activities Fair in the MountainView ballroom from 8 to 11 a.m. on Feb. 8. If you are interested and can’t attend the Fair, please contact me by email at