SaddleBrooke Writers’ Group

Stuart Watkins

The Oct. 1 meeting of the SaddleBrooke Writers’ Group meeting involved 13 members who presented their poems, short stories, and books in the process of being published.

President Patricia Freemont Smith announced that election for officers for the new year are welcomed. She told of the decision to donate to the planting of trees in memory of a deceased member, Cari Block, whose poem “Message of the Trees” was read to the membership. Several members made contributions in her memory.

After the meeting, several members met for lunch at the Mesquite Grill.

Members meet once a month to present their short stories, poems, or books to become published in the future.

Critique meetings are held during the month for those wishing suggestions for their works in progress or to read to the group and get reactions for possible adjustments.

Membership is $10 for the year. For more information, contact Patricia Freemont Smith at 520-818-1332.