SaddleBrooke Troop Support American Heroes Luncheon February 25

Mark your calendars for February 25, 2019 to attend the American Heroes Luncheon, sponsored by SaddleBrooke Troop Support (STS) and their generous donors. Come have a great lunch, hear engaging presentations by two American heroes and help Tucson-area troops and Veterans.

For only $30 you will get a great lunch and hear from two keynote speakers. Your reservation helps support Tucson-area troops and veterans!

Major General Donald W. Shepperd, USAF (Ret.) Retired as Head of the Air National Guard – 110,000 personnel, 1400 aircraft, 88 flying units, and 250 support units across 50 states and four U.S. territories; Vietnam Veteran, flew 247 combat missions; U.S. Air Force Academy Distinguished Graduate; currently President, Shepperd Group, Inc., a business and defense consulting firm; national media military analyst, renowned author, public speaker, and raconteur

Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Weisner, Arizona Air National Guard MQ-9 Reaper evaluator, instructor, and pilot; Director of Staff, 162nd Wing; 1900 personnel; international F16 jet pilot training; remote-piloted MQ-9 Reaper program; U.S. Airspace Alert and Defense

Join us from noon to 2:00 p.m. on Monday, February 25, 2019 at the SaddleBrooke One Vistas Ballroom (64500 East SaddleBrooke Boulevard, Tucson). Seats are limited, so reserve early! Contact Michelle Schroeder via e-mail or text 520-336-3112 to arrange reservation and payment.

STS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed in 2005 and staffed by volunteer SaddleBrooke residents. STS provides the following assistance to over 7000 Arizona active military and veterans:

* Food gift cards, financial assistance, emergency lodging and transportation to financially-strained, vetted military families and National Guard troops.

Stock and maintenance for three military food banks.

Baby layettes for vetted families in need.

Tucson International Airport lounge, food and computers for troops awaiting station transfer.

Building ways to provide education and employment assistance for veterans.

Have a business, club or other organization? Consider becoming an STS program sponsor. There are multiple sponsorship levels and accompanying benefits to help promote your organization and build its brand. For more information, contact STS President, Joe Rink, at

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