SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

Guests Hazel Roper and Sandy Strack at the cook out.

Guests Hazel Roper and Sandy Strack at the cook out.

Cowboy Cook-out Fur Critters a success!

Carole Rossof

Wednesday, Nov. 6, was another successful event for SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network. A capacity crowd of SB animal lovers gathered indoors at SaddleBrooke One for our fourth annual Cowboy Cook-out.

Thanks to Bob Koblewski, our resident photographer, who donated his photography skills and Bob Stiens, for donating his musical talent. Thank you to all the volunteers (too many to name). Without their help this event would never have been so successful.

Special thank you to the following for their generous donations for the silent auction: Margie Nicholson and Dottie May of Long Realty; Janice Waller, Carol Merlini, Jeremy Brown (Complete Canine Gift Card); and the Estate Sale Gals. Another special thank you goes to Janice Provost, who crafted and donated a beautiful quilt for a special raffle, and Mister Car Wash on Oracle and Magee who donated five complimentary Platinum car washes.

Our Pet Rescue event would not have been complete without animals up for adoption. Thank you Hope Animal Shelter and Cherished Tails Senior Sanctuary. Although no adoptions took place, applications were accepted.

Lastly, a big thank you goes to our SaddleBrooke residents. Without your passion for animals, we would not be able to help rescue groups by providing food and medical care for the many homeless fur babies. 

Another Happy Tail

Carole Rossof

Meet Allie!

Chris and Dan Garland adopted this sweet mini poodle a few months

ago from RoRescue. She’s very smart, knows lots of tricks, sits, rolls over, and shakes paws on command. Allie loves her new family, and goes everywhere with them. She’s very friendly and made a lot of new friends to play with at the dog park. According to the Garlands, she is the “perfect little girl.” They would like to thank Rochelle from RoRescue, she made this all happen for them.

Welcome to SaddleBrooke Allie! Another happy tail.

First Fridays SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue pickup

Karyle Steele?

The SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network works with Pima Animal Care Center, Pinal Animal Care Center, and several rescue groups of homeless pets. We provide financial support for the medical needs and behavioral training of the pets to get them healthy and adopted.

We have a monthly pick-up service.

Items we CAN accept:

Clean bath size towels, blankets, crates/pads, pet beds, pet food, litter boxes, litter, scratching posts and pads, water bowls, toys, pet medication [must not be expired], pet coats/sweaters, leashes, collars, harnesses, grooming tools, pet gates, Xpens, puppy pads, E-collars, and training tools.

Items we CANNOT accept:

Comforters/quilted items, hand towels, wash cloths, rugs with rubber backing, electric blankets, pillows or chair pads, mattress covers, carpeting, sheets.

Pick up takes place the first Friday of every month. Just email or call 520-548-7861 to arrange for a pick-up. Please contact us by noon on the Wednesday before the requested pick-up date so that we can arrange the most efficient schedule. Just place it in your driveway by 8 a.m. on the day of pick-up, and we do the rest. Pick up of any item is at the discretion of the driver.

Empty prescription containers can be dropped off at 63701 SaddleBrooke Blvd at Mezzabyte Computers Suite U or Dentistry by Design Suite M in the commercial center. Please remove all labels prior to donating. These are recycled by rescue groups.

Join us at or

Time to ‘re-member’ the Network

Marcy Vernon

It’s that time of year again – time to renew your annual membership with SB Pet Rescue Network. If you are not a current member, please consider joining now. All membership renewals and new memberships received from November 1, 2019, forward will be valid through year end 2020. For $20/year you can help us continue our efforts to help homeless pets get that second chance at a loving home. You’ll have access to our newsletter and advance notice of all our special events.

The impact of your compassion is being felt far beyond our immediate community. As a result of a record fundraiser last fall at the I Don’t Want It sale, the Wags & Walkers group was able to purchase two new syringe pumps for the clinic at Pima Animal Care Center (PACC). Syringe pumps deliver small doses of medication or fluids for acute care. Many trauma cases pass through the clinic weekly and now they will have these syringe pumps to help in providing critical care to sick and injured pets. Your generous in-kind donations in our monthly pick-up program allowed us to provide ongoing support to Cody’s Friends Charity, PACC, and Pinal County Animal Care and Control (PCACC). In addition, thus far for 2019, the Network has donated over $5000 toward the veterinary accounts of local Tucson rescues that routinely save sick, injured, and senior dogs and cats from both PACC and PCACC.

You can renew your membership online at or by check made payable to SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network – drop off or mail to:

SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

c/o Carol Merlini, 63267 E. Brooke Park Drive, Tucson, AZ 85739.

We are honored by the continuing generous support we have in the SaddleBrooke community. Thank you for donating and for volunteering!

Donations to the Network are not tax deductible.

Tips for the holidays to keep your pets safe

Carole Rossof

As you prepare for the holidays, it’s easy to forget about the small things that can cause a real danger to dogs and cats.

By taking a little time to ensure your home is ready for a pet-friendly holiday, you can avoid possible tragedy or large vet bills.

Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday season. For pet owners it marks the start of the season when extra vigilance is required, especially when it comes to dogs and food. There are many stories about dogs eating the turkey (bones and all), the foil and string it was wrapped in, and even the oil it was fried in. Side dishes and desserts are equally tempting. The happy confusion of a holiday meal with family and friends creates plentiful opportunities for a dog or cat to snag some human food. Keeping pets and food separated is always a good idea.

Decorating your home can be one of the best holiday traditions. If you have a Christmas tree, keep this in mind: dogs and cats can be drawn to the exhilarating outdoor smells that the tree brings inside, so make sure it’s secure in the stand so pets don’t accidentally push it over.

Choose your ornaments wisely. Ornaments, tinsel, and lights can cause serious hazards. Keep both breakable ornaments and small stuffed ones out of reach; they can easily be mistaken for a dog toy. Wires for lights need to be hidden so your pets are unable to chew through them and cause an electrical shock. Cats can be attracted by ornamental string, ribbons, and tinsel. Although your cat will love playing with these decorations, they can cause damage to his/her GI tract. It may be easier to keep your tree separate, perhaps in a room where the animals cannot enter. Avoid giving your pet fragile presents. If you choose to give your pet gifts for the holiday, make sure the presents are big enough to minimize the hazard of choking.

Severe illness in dogs and cats can be caused by ingesting holly and mistletoe.

If you are entertaining, please remind guests not to feed your pets. Another tip: give your pets an early dinner before the party so they are less tempted to beg for food.

Most pets get over stimulated and stressed, so have a safety spot available. This location should be away from the festivities and should have fresh water, a couple of toys, and a comfortable place to sleep.

Last, with all your guests going in and out, pets can get out as well. Make sure your pets are microchipped and tagged.

The board members of SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network wish you a very happy and safe holiday season!