The SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network works with Pima Animal Care Center, Pinal Animal Care Center and several rescue groups of homeless pets. We also provide financial support for the medical needs of the pets to get them healthy and adopted. Taking these animals to a veterinarian to get them checked over and see if they have any problems so they can be dealt with, can help the pets in case of illness or harm caused by previous owners or being left.
We have a monthly event that needs your support.
We have a pick-up service of gently used clean towels, linens, blankets [no electrics], sheets and pet supplies such as carriers, clean pet beds, and pet food. No foam [except for memory foam beds] or poly-filled items, please.
New: Prescription containers can now be dropped off at Mezzabyte Computers or Dentistry by Design in the commercial center on SaddleBrooke Blvd.
This takes place on the first Friday of every month. Just email or call 520-548-7861 to arrange the pick-up. Please contact us at least one full day before the requested pick-up date so that we can arrange the most efficient schedule. Just place it in your drive-way by 8:00 a.m. on the day of pick-up and we do the rest.
Join us at
Bring your pets to annual Blessing of the Animals
Shirin McArthur
Bring all your four-legged, feathered or slithering friends to receive blessings at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 6, in the Church of the Apostles parking lot, 12111 N La Cholla Blvd. (just north of Tangerine) in Oro Valley.
This family friendly event will include a blessing of all animals and face painting for children of all ages. Families are invited to stay and have dinner at a food truck in the Apostles parking lot.
Also present will be the recently rebuilt ASAVET mobile vet clinic, which travels around rural southern Arizona to care for animals. The mobile clinic will be open to explore.
The annual Blessing of the Animals is a Christian tradition that goes back many centuries. Today it is connected with the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, which is October 4. St. Francis believed that all of creation can and should glorify God and there are many stories connecting St. Francis with animals and the natural world.
The bond between people and their pets is very special. According to Franciscan Kevin E. Mackin, “The love we give to a pet, and receive from a pet, can draw us more deeply into the larger circle of life, into the wonder of our common relationship to our Creator.”
This event is free (except for the food truck) and open to all humans and their animal friends. If you have questions, please email admin@ovapostles or call the church office at 520-544-9660.
Cowboy Cookout “fur” critters
Carole Rossof
Don’t miss SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network’s third annual Cowboy Cookout “fur” critters, sponsored by Camp Bow Wow. Tickets go on sale Wednesday, October 17 at 9:00 a.m. in the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse foyer. Tickets are $25 inclusive with a no host bar at 4:00 p.m. Menu includes hamburgers on the outside grill, pulled barbeque chicken sandwiches with side dishes and a cookie for dessert. Entertainment by Lindsay Nicholson and photographs taken by Bob Koblewski, both SaddleBrooke residents.
October 17 ticket sales can be purchased with cash, check or house account. At the event, as always, there will be many raffle items available including a $100 gift certificate donated by Camp Bow Wow, plus our 50/50 raffle. Because we are not able to process credit card purchases, please bring cash or checks. We do not want you to miss out on the opportunity to purchase or win one of these fabulous prizes.
Fosters needed
Beth Conquest
Toby was a senior dog with several health concerns that was brought to Pima County Animal Care Center as a stray. He was rescued by Cherished Tails Senior Sanctuary and is currently fostered in SaddleBrooke. Senior, or special needs dogs, like Toby are frequently passed over in shelters and have very little chance of ever finding a home. Yet they don’t deserve to spend their final days alone. Offering to foster means they will have a chance at happiness. You will provide the love, warmth and comfort that they wouldn’t get in a kennel, and sadly, in all too many cases, they may have never known before. Others who have spent their entire lives with a family may have a particularly difficult time adapting to being abandoned in a strange and noisy environment. They are confused and bewildered and may suffer psychologically. These dogs stand a better chance if awaiting adoption in a home. You just might be the difference between life and death for that dog, a feeling that is impossible to describe.
There are opportunities to foster for a few weeks, months or the dog’s entire life. Whatever time you can offer, there is a dog (or cat) in need that you can help.
For more information on the SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network, visit us at
New prescription container dropoff
Esta Goldstein
As of August 1, we have two locations within the commercial center at 63701 SaddleBrooke Blvd. You may simply drop off your empty [no drugs] containers; with labels removed, during business hours of 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Locations are Mezzabyte Computers (Suite U) and Dentistry By Design (Suite M).
Thanks to these owners for stepping up to help us with this effort.
Please help us cut the cost of prescription containers for Pima Animal Care Center, Pinal County Animal Shelter and other rescue organizations.
Questions? Contact