Left to right: Jeanne Herstad, Susan Schwartz, Bernie Kuhr, M.D. (former Peace Corps training site psychiatrist), Rolly Prager, Allen Halper and Fran Dorr; not pictured is Joann Waddell
Fran Dorr
A group of seven SaddleBrooke residents, who are also Returned Peace Corps Volunteers, gathered together for the first time on January 26 to learn about each other’s previous Peace Corps experience and discuss how they wanted to proceed. Former PCV Jeanne Herstad, who served in India from 1963 to 1965, hosted the group in her home. Others in attendance were Fran Dorr (Guatemala 1964-1966), Susan Schwartz (Sierra Leone 1981-1983), Rolly Prager (Venezuela, 1973-1975), Allen Halper (Malawi, 1968 – 1970), Jo Ann Waddell (Liberia, West Africa, 1965-1967) and Dr. Bernie Kuhr who was a training site psychiatrist for the Nigeria and Ethiopia groups in the 60s.
The group is looking into the possibility of visiting schools during Peace Corps Week in the spring to share their experiences with students.
The group is open to Returned Peace Corps Volunteers and their spouses, people connected with the Peace Corps and those who might want to learn more about the Peace Corps experience. For more information about future meetings, contact Fran Dorr at 520-825-2052 or email [email protected].