Eye and vision effect for aging and Parkinson’s. The increased use of screen viewing, such as cell phones, tablets, computers, and television, has a detrimental effect on eyes. There are some moves that can be made to rebalance and retrain the eye muscles. Parkinson’s disease contributes to gaze fixation and reduction of blinking.
Eye comfort exercises: Blinking and yawning produces tears to help moisten and lubricate the eyes. Expose eyes to natural light. Close eyes. Slowly and gently move eyes up to the ceiling, then slowly down to the floor. Repeat three times. Close eyes. Slowly and gently move eyes to the left, then slowly to the right. Repeat three times.
Eye movement: Close eyes. Slowly and gently move eyes up to the ceiling, then slowly down to the floor. Repeat three times. Close eyes. Slowly and gently move eyes to the left, then slowly to the right. Repeat three times.
Focus change: Hold one finger a few inches away from the eye. Focus on the finger. Slowly move the finger away. Focus far into the distance and then back to the finger. Slowly bring the finger back to within a few inches of the eye. Focus on something more than eight feet away. Repeat three times. (ors.od.nih.gov/sr/dohs/HealthAndWellness/Ergonomics/Pages/exercises.aspx)
Eyes have neurons outside the skull. A light in the morning helps to adjust the circadian rhythm. (www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjV-Yrh7mxk)
Club Vice President Hans Von Michaelis can be reached at 303-549-4480.
Annual club dues are $10.
We are listed in SaddleBrooke One under exercise and support. We have quarterly support and educational meetings on the third Thursday of the month from 1:30 to 3 p.m. in SaddleBrooke Arts and Crafts Center, Room 3, next to the gift shop. Neuro conditions are welcome! Go to www.pmdalliance.org for more Parkinson’s information and support.
BIG/PWR! Certified Trainer Vera Shury can be reached at 520-275-8755 or vera@libertyscience.com.