2020 President’s Cup Tournament finalists Maria Byers, Yvonne Garthwait, and Sharon Dicosola
Dian Kupper
Many of the SaddleBrooke (SB) snowbirds have flown (or driven), but, in spite of the pandemic, the rest of us are enjoying the wonderful weather. The group is looking forward to the reopening of the Road Runner Grill and the socialization this allows.
The annual President’s Cup Tournament held this month was a match play competition. Twenty-eight ladies vied for the title. The final three challengers played well, but Maria Byers was able to win in the end and is now our 2020 President’s Cup Champion. Great work, Maria!
In other exciting news, we have a wonderful new sponsor for the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners!
Hedy Gryzan arranged an introduction to Morris Hall, PLLC and Wendy Harn, partner and attorney at law. Rhonda Royse, marketing director for Morris Hall, liked what she heard about the SB Niners and consequently forwarded a sponsorship donation to us for $500 last week. We are very grateful.
Morris Hall has focused its practice on estate planning and supporting services in Arizona. Their goal is to help families preserve wealth for future generations and minimize hardships caused by insufficient estate planning. Contact them at www.morristrust.com, 2506 E. Vistoso Commerce Loop, Suite 150, Oro Valley, or 520-320-5100.
While the near future for the Niners is up in the air, we know that the camaraderie and enjoyment of golf will continue.