Drawing winners: Cynthia Martin, Doris Evans (speaker) and Richard Ewing
Annie Maud and Ginny Berkey
On Monday, May 13, the SaddleBrooke Nature Club again welcomed Doris Evans for another video presentation of wildlife in her front yard. Doris has three wildlife cameras she sets up by the watering hole in her yard.
We watched a small band of javelinas with two tiny babies come for a drink. Javelina babies are born precocial, able to walk quickly after birth.
A white-throated wood rat actually opened a jar of bird seed, then holding the jar lid in his mouth, laid it down carefully, climbed into the jar to snack on the contents.
The variety of wildlife Doris gets in her yard is amazing. We enjoyed a bobcat, a grey fox, deer in the velvet, lesser long nose bats feeding from a hummingbird feeder and cactus wrens enjoying saguaro blooms.
We were fascinated by the orange halves stuck on the sharp points of an agave. They lured numerous birds into camera range. Doris Evans’ presentations are hugely popular.
The next meeting of the Nature Club is June 10 in the MountainView Ballroom. Carolyn Blair, owner of Life Under The Oaks Lavender Farm, will be our presenter with a field trip to follow on June 15 to the farm in Oracle.