SaddleBrooke Nature Club News

Kay Sullivan

At the November meeting of the SaddleBrooke Nature Club, the slate of nominated candidates was presented: Kay Sullivan, president; Gary Somers, vice president; Riley Jackson, treasurer; Darlene Carlson, secretary; and Carole Chase, program chair. Since they are uncontested, they will become the new board of directors effective Jan. 1, 2024.

A big thank you goes to the long-standing past board of directors who stayed the course through COVID and kept the Nature Club active and interesting: Howard Cohen and Jim Harris as co-presidents, Debbie and Don Grafmiller for membership and treasurer, and Sam Sherril as program chair. They all deserve a well-earned vacation.

The new board looks forward to a vibrant year with the programs already scheduled and a few field trips in the making, like the ones members enjoyed before COVID. Future programs include the following topics: Yellowstone National Park, Tucson Wildlife Center, Watershed Management, Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society, and Tohono Chul Park. Planning has begun for a field trip to a cotton mill with a presentation, a hay ride, hands-on cotton picking, and a picnic lunch.

All meetings/programs are held in the DesertView Theater on the second Monday of the month at 4 p.m. Visitors are welcome to attend with the hope that you will join by your second visit.

Membership in the SaddleBrooke Nature Club is easy. Go to the website, scroll to the bottom of the home page, and print a membership form. Dues remain the same: $15 per person or $20 for a household. You may turn in the form and dues at the next meeting or mail it to the treasurer. The information is on the form. The due date is Jan. 1, 2024. Membership benefits include being able to watch past presentations on YouTube and attending the club-sponsored annual picnic.