Milka Triebe (left) and Jackie Schochet (Photo by John Triebe)
Allison Lehman
SaddleBrooke unit representative, Judy Cummings, sent an email on March 22 to Unit 47 residents for a project started by Milka Triebe and Jackie Schochet. These ladies had a plan to help during the COVID-19 crisis. The request was for anyone who had a sewing machine, fabric, thread, elastic, drivers, and donations. Well, you know how a good thing can spread like wildfire! Everyone has been generously donating all of the above.
When I suggested writing an article for our development newspaper, Judy was onboard. She provided daily totals of masks made and included how many were delivered. Sometimes I would get two emails a day. Then Judy told me the project had mushroomed to include all of SaddleBrooke! Move over manufacturers, here comes SaddleBrooke to locally help the crisis.
At the time of writing this article, over $1,500 was donated for materials. Seventy-two SaddleBrooke sewists made 1,017 masks and delivered them to 20 different facilities to date.
Per Judy, SaddleBrookers are never helpless and always step up when needed. SaddleBrooke—a great place to live when you need a little help.