Left to right: Diana Carbone, Margaret Thompson, Dottie Adams, and Kaye Caulkins; missing: Barbara Brunswig (Photo by Anne Romeo)
Dottie Adams
Another year, another election. We anticipate many changes in 2021. Here are the changes brought about by the election of members to serve on the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club (SBLDC) Board.
Stepping down as president but not going home is Anne Romero. We thank her for her service and continued dedication to making the SBLDC the best line dance club.
Looking good and moving up from vice president to president is Diana Carbone. In addition to serving as vice president she is the L2 (level 2) sponsor, the chair of the Dance Leadership Committee, and member of the Music and Dance Committees.
Kaye Caulkins will give it a go as she was voted into the vice president position. Kaye has been a member of the club for nearly two years. She assists with the level N (novice) and N+ workshops. She has danced in some form all her life. She looks forward to contributing any way to help keep the club strong.
Margaret Thompson was voted into the secretary position. Margaret, one of the newest members to serve on the board, has been a club member for one year. She has previous secretarial and computer skills. We are confident she’ll get it right!
Barbara Brunswig with hands in the air will be treasurer for the third consecutive year.
Dottie Adams will give it one more chance and remain as the member at large.
Special note: As you can imagine, we are very happy to be on the dance floor under our current safe and healthy conditions. We are all wearing face masks and keeping our social distance. This has translated into fewer and smaller group dance sessions.
We look forward to the day we can again welcome new members—when we have more space and more time in which we can provide an appropriate level of instruction. In the interim, if you are interested in the SBLDC, check out our website at www.sbldc.weebly.com or contact Kaye Caulkins at kayecaulkins@gmail.com.