SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club: In with the New

New board members

On Jan. 29 the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club held its annual meeting and elected a new board of directors. Other items on the agenda included a review of club finances and acknowledgment of the accomplishments of board members and various committees.

Former Vice President Jaci McGeorge will be the new club president. Jaci moved from Idaho in 2021 and joined the club the following month. Before retirement, Jaci worked in health care management. The vice president will be Jane Sims. Jane came to SaddleBrooke in 2021 from Colorado. Jan Maresca will continue to serve as club treasurer. Before retiring, Jan worked in the computer supply industry. The position of secretary will be held by Sheryl Kocher who previously worked as an administrative assistant. Finally, Lynda Fraley will serve as member-at-large. Lynda came to SaddleBrooke in 2017 from New Jersey where she worked as an educator. Warm thanks go to outgoing board members Sandy Gianotti (president) and Judy Saks (member-at-large).

Please visit our website at If you have questions about the club, you may contact Jane Sims at Membership dues are only $10 per year! Our club members invite you to join us for fun, friendship, and dancing in 2024.