Line Dancers, ready to burn up the floor
Dance-A-Thon 2016 dance ‘til you drop
On January 9 in the MountainView Ballroom over a hundred dancers proved that dance marathons — an American phenomenon of the 1920s and 30s — still live on in the new millennium right here in SaddleBrooke! Okay, we may not have endured hundreds of hours, draped exhaustedly over our fellow dancers. But we did dance virtually non-stop from 5:00 p.m. into the wee hours of—um, senior bedtime! Thanks to the organizational efforts of Steve and Rita Holdener of the SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club and Claudia Booth of Let’s Dance Club, five different dance clubs came together in solidarity to share the floor and break bread (technically, enchiladas) for a night of pure dancing fun. With over 60 songs on the master playlist including waltzes, Latin, swing, nightclub, tangos and good ol’ country-western, there was something for everybody. We line dancers, the largest group with 25 dancers, got plenty of floor time and proved there is a lot of fun to be had dancing “inside the box!” We wish to express our sincere appreciation to all of the Dance-a-thon organizers from the various dance clubs. It was a terrific night. Now we know why these events were called “Bunion Derbies!”
Kicking up our heels at events like this is what the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club is all about. Our club is unique in its ability to teach popular dances at every level and to link our dancers to fun events, both inside and outside of SaddleBrooke—all for just $10 per year! A good place to start is to drop in to our instructional Level 1 Workshops which are held on Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the SaddleBrooke Vermilion Room. You will meet other beginners and will be most welcome. Times and places may vary so please check out our website at sbldc.weebly.com and click on Calendar for the latest updates. Join the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club for just $10 and enjoy line dancing all year long in 2016. Contact Treasurer Terri Gage at 262-8304. See you on the dance floor!