SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club

Do we have to wear these caps?

Do we have to wear these caps?

Lynne Kumza

Do we have to wear these caps? No, only if you want to keep your head warm. But if you line dance, you can exercise your synapses, so that way you don’t have to wear a “thinking cap.” There are cardiovascular benefits to dancing, but did you know that one of the only physical activities proven to offer protection against dementia is frequent dancing? Dancing can reduce the risk of dementia by a whopping 76%.

To keep your memory and brain in good form, you need a lifestyle that includes creative thinking and decision making. So, why not have some fun line dancing while exercising the brain? You may also find that taking a difficult dance class rather than an easy one will be more beneficial in the long term. Dancing is as much mental workout as it is a physical one, which is a good thing.

The SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club offers many levels of dance, from novice to advanced. If you have never line danced before, try starting with the novice workshop on Wednesdays at 8:00 a.m. in the SaddleBrooke One Vermilion Ballroom, and then work your way up to more challenging dance sessions. We have many experienced members that lead and teach the dances.

Dancing makes you happy! It involves other people and can reduce feelings of isolation. Everybody would like to live an independent and healthy life for as long as possible. Line dancing is a powerful tool to set new challenges for the body and mind. It’s never too late to learn a new skill. Dance for the health of it! Keep dancing! It’s good for the brain!

The SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club is a real bargain at only $10 a year. For more information, contact Anne Romeo at [email protected] or visit to see where you can find dance times and places, photos and more.