2019 Board Members JoAnn Ellison, Edie Crall, Linda Watkins, Judy Schilling, Charlotte James, Char Crossman and Hedy Gryszan.

Our Golder Ranch Fire guests with a few of the toys.

Our Most Improved Player, Judy Schilling.
On December 11, the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners celebrated the season and the year with their annual holiday luncheon. Following a fun round of golf, the ladies adjourned to the Vistas Dining Room where they enjoyed another delicious luncheon served by our outstanding Food and Beverage staff. As they entered the dining room, they were met by some very special guests, representatives from the Golder Ranch Fire Department as well as a representative from one of our major sponsors, Coyote Golf. We were addressed by our president Debbie Thompson, our golf pro Troy Jewkes and our golf course superintendent Mike Roddy.
We were also addressed by one of the firemen, who came as our guests and to receive our table decorations, an array of gifts we collect from our members every year to be given to Toys for Tots and Teens. What a wonderful way to celebrate, giving to children and youth in need! Next our Tournament Chair Charlotte James presented plaques to some special winners: our President’s Cup winner Debbie Thompson, our Founders’ Cup winner Hedy Gryszan and our Most Improved Player of the Year Judy Schilling. Congratulations to all! After Charlotte’s presentation, our current president Debbie Thompson introduced and thanked our outgoing Board members and conducted the formal induction of our 2019 Board: President JoAnn Ellison; Vice President Edie Crall; Secretary Linda Watkins; Treasurer Judy Schilling; Handicap Hedy Gryszan; Tournament Chair Char Crossman and Pairings Chair Charlotte James.
Now with a wonderful 2018 past us, we are looking forward to another terrific year for 2019. First up on our schedule is the annual Founders’ Cup on January 15. This is another fun event where we celebrate and honor those ladies who began the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners many years ago. And, of course, we could never forget to give a special thank you to our photographer extraordinaire Bob Koblewski for taking the photos for all our events and preparing a slide show for all the members. Why not come out and join us in 2019? Be prepared to meet some lovely ladies and enjoy being on the course and making new friends!