The Francophiles dined on wonderful cuisine and delicious wines at the home of Pat and Joseph Smith on November 15!
Pat Smith
What do Spain, Chile, Australia and New Zealand have in common? Incredible, diverse cuisine and delicious varietal wines, all of which were consumed and enjoyed by the SaddleBrooke Francophiles on November 15 at the home of Pat and Joseph Smith. Members were very creative in their selection of over-the-top foods and desserts from each of these four countries. Chilean meat pie, Australian barbecued ribs, Australian mussels and New Zealand trifle were but a few of the exquisite dishes created for this very special celebration and party. Each year the Francophiles select several countries, research their cuisine and choose several complimentary red and white wines, all of which are thoroughly enjoyed by those present. Everyone went home very happy.
Next up on the SaddleBrooke Francophiles’ season of events is the Feast of Kings on January 3. Guests feast on a variety of hearty hors d’oeuvres and sample the regional cakes of northern and southern France. Baked within each cake are several tokens, and whoever is lucky enough to find a token is crowned King and Queen for the evening. Our royalty is toasted with champagne and they are expected to address us, their subjects, with words of wisdom as one would expect from crowned royals.
One of the most anticipated parties of the year will take place on February 7 – La Chandeleur Crepe Party. Guests will create savory or sweet fillings for hundreds of mouthwatering crepes. This Mardi Gras themed event will again honor our crowned royalty from the Feast of Kings and everyone is encouraged to dress appropriately for this special themed party.
On March 19 we honor our founders, Bill and Suzanne Brown, with the Julia Child/Jacques Pepin Progressive Dinner. Host homes will feature authentic recipes by these two famous French chefs. Again, our members will be creating incredible cuisine to share at this special dinner. Pat Dawydowych chairs this event.
Springtime Follies will be held on April 19. A picnic dinner, games, music, fun and surprises will highlight this gathering of SaddleBrooke Francophiles. Diners a la Maison, chaired by Bob Kramer, happen on January 15, February 19, April 16 and May 21. These intimate dinners offer members the opportunity to meet each other on a smaller scale, sharing recipes, good food and wine, while forging new friendships.
Look for the SaddleBrooke Francophiles’ booth at the January 24 Recreation and Activities Fair; our members will be there to answer questions, share the history and activities of our group and sign up prospective members. In addition, you can call Pat Smith at 825-2409 for more information. Vive la France!