Tammy Bearden
The SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild, in partnership with the University of Arizona Museum of Art, will present a new series of art lectures, beginning on Wednesday, January 9, 2019, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., in the west ballroom of the MountainView Clubhouse. The presenter will be docent Gerry Bates and the subject will be “The Impressionists and Their Impact on the Art World.” Impressionism was the 19th century art movement that defied tradition and transformed art in France and the rest of the world. We will discuss the Impressionists’ influence, even today, on the art world. The University of Arizona Museum of Art has a small, beautiful collection of Renoirs and many paintings that demonstrate the influence of Impressionism. Gerry Bates retired as an assistant chief in the Tucson Fire Department after 34 years of service. He earned his Master’s in Educational Leadership and his PhD. in Public Administration. He continues to teach at Pima Community College and Arizona State University. A history buff, Gerry is an intriguing speaker.
Looking ahead, the second lecture in the series will be presented by docents Fleurette and Marc Wallach on Wednesday, February 6, 2019, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Their subject will be “Water in a Frame.” The third lecture in the series will be on Wednesday, March 6, 2019, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. The speaker will be docent Brack Brown and his subject will be “Food in Art.”
Please mark your calendars and plan to come early for coffee. As always, the lectures are free and are in the Ballroom West of the MountainView Clubhouse. We look forward to seeing you.