Makaiah Gorham, who is receiving an SBCO scholarship for his undergraduate studies at Brigham Young University Hawaii, told pizza party attendees about his college experiences and goals for the future.
Annual Party Celebrates SBCO Scholarship Students
Nancy McCluskey-Moore
Every December the SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) Education Committee invites its college scholarship students and their guests to a pizza party. The event, held at Kids’ Closet in Mammoth, is an opportunity for SBCO to recognize the students’ academic achievements and for the students to visit with their Education Committee liaisons and other students. The event is timed to coincide with the students’ winter break when many come home to visit family for the holidays.
This year the party was attended by 32 students, approximately one-third of students currently under scholarship. About 80 people, including students’ guests, members of the SBCO Education Committee, along with their spouses, and scholarship endowment fund donors, joined the gathering. In attendance was scholarship recipient Makaiah Gorham, a senior at Brigham Young University Hawaii, who talked about his college experiences and goals for the future. Kathie Marshall, a member of the SBCO Education Committee, spoke on behalf of Angelita Mendibles, a student for whom she serves as a liaison. Angelita, who is attending the Fashion Institute and School of Design in Los Angeles for a degree in graphic design, was unable to attend the event due to illness.
In recognition of their academic achievements, SBCO gave each scholarship student attending the pizza party a Walmart gift card.
SBCO Home Tour Tickets Available on February 26
Nancy McCluskey-Moore
Of course, you want to see what your neighbors have done to improve traffic flow, expand storage options, create a space for guests, or simply modernize and beautify their homes! Who wouldn’t want to see extensive changes as well as budget-friendly transformations? The SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) remodeled home tour of six houses is designed to show you changes that may inspire your own home improvements.
This event helps SBCO inform the SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch communities about its food, clothing, enrichment, and educational programs for children in nearby communities. It also helps SBCO recruit the volunteers needed to make these programs work. Tour attendees can choose between a morning (9 a.m. to noon) or afternoon (1 to 4 p.m.) tour on Saturday, March 23. During those three hours, you’ll be able to visit all of the homes. In addition to viewing the latest interior design, you’ll see smart bathroom and kitchen makeovers, casita additions, revised floor plans, and renovated outdoor living spaces.
Tickets for this much-anticipated annual event go on sale online on Monday, Feb. 26, at community-outreach.org. In-person sales (check or cash only) begin at 9 a.m. on Monday, March 4, in the SBCO office, Suite L, in the SaddleBrooke business center on SaddleBrooke Blvd. With two tour times, 600 tickets will be available. When tickets are purchased, buyers will need to indicate which showing (morning or afternoon) they will attend. Tickets cost $20 per person and are sold only to SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch residents. Call your friends and make plans before the tickets sell out!
If you would like to serve as a docent in one of the 2023 tour homes for the morning or afternoon session, please contact Lisa Urban at lisaurban1963@yahoo.com. Docents receive free admission to the tour.