At the Tri-Community Food Bank, located in Mammoth, volunteers unload products and place them on shelves for easy access.
Food Drive Keeps on Giving
Nancy McCluskey-Moore
When is a food drive not over? When SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch residents continue to donate money to support the Tri-Community Food Bank (TCFB). Although the SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) annual food drive was held on March 21, as of April 15, our residents have donated $91,798 to the event. This represents a 31% increase over 2019.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, TCFB is feeding 40 to 50 more families per month. Donations are particularly welcome during this time of increased need. According to Cynthia Chevalley, chairperson of TCFB, “With the tremendous outpouring of support from SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch, we will be able to continue to assist our most needy neighbors in Pinal county. The food supply chain is weaker for everyone, but these funds will help us better meet the growing need for good, nutritious food. The board of directors and I are so grateful.”
Contributions can be made year-round at www.community-outreach.org. Simply click on the “donate” jar, fill out the online form, and designate the program you want to support. You will be taken to PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to make a donation. If you prefer, you can write a check made payable to SBCO (write “food drive” on the memo line) and mail it to SBCO at 63675 E. SaddleBrooke Blvd., Suite L, Tucson, AZ 85739. SBCO is a 501(c)(3) charity and qualifies for the Arizona Tax Credit. All donations made after April 15 can be used on your 2020 tax return.

SBCO scholarship recipient Brittany Paton is finishing her MBA degree at NAU this year.
Scholarship Endowment Is a Lasting Gift
Ron Andrea
The SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) Scholarship Program provides post secondary scholarships for local students who are selected on the basis of their grades, community service, letters of reference, financial need, a written essay, and a personal interview with SBCO volunteers. SBCO is very proud to announce that one of our scholarship students, Brittany Paton, will complete her master’s degree this year from Northern Arizona University (NAU).
Brittany was first selected for the SBCO scholarship program when she graduated from Ray High School in Kearny back in 2015. In addition to being on the honor roll all four years, she was secretary and president of the student council, a varsity volleyball player, and an active volunteer in her community. With financial support from SBCO, she attended NAU and graduated summa cum laude in 2019 with a 4.0 GPA and a B.S. in accounting. With continued financial support from SBCO, Brittany is completing her master’s in business administration this year.
She writes, “I have been honored to be selected for an SBCO scholarship. This $3,000 annual scholarship has given me the chance to further my education and my dream of becoming a certified public accountant. I want to express my gratitude for your support for students such as myself to further their education.”
If you would like to support students such as Brittany, please consider making a donation to the SBCO Scholarship Endowment Program. Since SBCO is an all-volunteer charity, you have the peace of mind that all of your donations provide scholarship funding for students. Because this program is an endowment, your donation is permanently invested and only the earnings on the endowment provide scholarships for students in need of financial support. The full value of your donation lasts forever and continues to help students for generations to come.
Please consider contributing as part of your trust or estate plan. Another option for those over age 71 is to reduce your annual tax burden by having a portion of your mandated IRA distribution forwarded directly to SBCO by your financial institution. Funds donated in this way are exempt from federal income tax. (The minimum donation is $5,000. Always consult your financial advisor about potential tax benefits.)
To learn more about the SBCO Scholarship Endowment Program and how you can help students like Brittany, go to community-outreach.org or contact Ron Andrea at 520-904-4831 for more information.
Remember, a gift of education is a gift that lasts forever!
19 College Scholarships Awarded
Nancy McCluskey-Moore
Each year, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach’s (SBCO) Education Committee receives applications from local high school seniors for college scholarships. After the applications are received, committee members review each student’s financial situation, high school transcript, activities, an essay about personal and professional goals, and letters of recommendation. Usually committee members conduct a personal interview to select the scholarship recipients. This year’s school closures due to COVID-19 eliminated this aspect of the selection process. The committee received 29 applications and awarded 19 scholarships. Fifteen were for four-year degrees and the remaining four were for two-year degrees.
One of this year’s scholarship recipients is Aaron Azevedo, who graduated with a 4.0 GPA, making him first in his class at Ray High School. In addition to being a member of the National Honor Society, playing first-chair trumpet in band, and holding Life Rank in the Boy Scouts of America, he is active in many community projects. Aaron plans to major in astronomy at Northern Arizona University (NAU) with the goal of someday working for NASA. He noted, “I have always been infatuated with other worldly things. Teri Varley taught three of the science classes I took in high school. She encouraged my interests and kept me engaged with each subject.” Aaron chose NAU based on a Lumberjack Scholarship that covers his tuition and acceptance in the school’s honors college program. The SBCO four-year scholarship will help to pay for his room and board.
This year, applications were received from students attending the following high schools: Canyon del Oro in Oro Valley, Ironwood Ridge in Oro Valley, Mammoth-San Manuel, Hayden in Winkelman, Miami, Ray in Kearney, and Superior.
Scholarship recipients for the 2020-21 school year plan to attend these institutions of higher education: Northern Arizona University (7), University of Arizona (5), Arizona State University (3), Central Arizona College (3), and Eastern Arizona College (1).
Students attending two-year colleges receive a $1,500 per year scholarship, while those attending four-year institutions receive $3,000 per year. If a student earns a minimum 2.0 GPA while registered as a full-time student with a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester, the scholarship continues until a two- or four-year degree is completed. If a student’s tuition and other expenses are otherwise covered, SBCO will pay for a computer, parking passes, and other school-related expenses to offer the maximum benefit from the scholarship. @