SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club – March 2025

Tom and Mary Borkovec and Linda and Randy Miles

Move, Bond, Thrive—Health and Friendship at SBDC

Tom Marshall

Mary and Tom Borkovec began taking dance lessons at the YMCA when they lived in State College, Pa. Why did they take dance lessons? Tom’s quick response is, “Mary loves to dance, and I love Mary.” When they retired and settled in SaddleBrooke, they took Latin dance lessons, and to this day, their favorite dance is the International Rumba. They think this style of Rumba is more flowing than the American style, and they’re better able to incorporate Argentine Tango steps into their routine. What’s the funniest thing to happen to Tom and Mary on the dance floor? While demonstrating an extremely intricate Argentine Tango step that was being highlighted for other dancers, they fell on one another and collapsed on the floor in a tangled mess, causing everyone to laugh, including themselves.

Tom and Mary have been members of the SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club (SBDC) since 2011. Mary recounts, “Back then, we took classes on Wednesday mornings and had supervised practices on Saturday mornings. There were no evening classes, novice classes, or variety of classes as we have now thanks to Ann and Dale Pizzitola.” After all these years in the club, Mary and Tom continue to enjoy attending our dinner dances where Tom can hob-nob among tables of his friends while Mary is out on the dance floor doing a hot Samba line dance with other members.

Other than their interest in dance, Tom and Mary play bocce ball here in SaddleBrooke and often get out to bowl in Tucson. Mary likes to keep fit by attending Jazzercise and Cardio-blast classes, while Tom reads a variety of books like Astrophysics for Dummies.

When Linda and Randy Miles bought their home in SaddleBrooke in 2013, they immediately began looking for an activity that would provide them with good exercise and would be fun. Already familiar with Jazzercise, they tried line dancing, adding both to their schedule. Soon, Randy and Linda learned about available social dancing activities, so they found themselves taking classes in Cha Cha and Rumba with the Latin Rhythm Dance Club. They also joined the Ballroom Dance Club where, at the time, there were no classes, just dinner dances.

After being SBDC members for several years, Randy served as president, and with other board members, he was instrumental in incorporating dance classes into the club’s regular program. Fortunately, the classes were taught by members who knew a particular dance well because they had taken professional lessons prior to joining the club.

Linda and Randy especially like dancing the Cha Cha, because it lends itself to many different kinds of music. After all these years, the Miles continue to attend the club’s classes and events, because they not only think it’s good physical and mental exercise, but also because they maintain long-standing friendships they’ve made over the years. Linda says, “We get to see our friends and keep our bodies and brains in shape as well.”

When they’re not dancing, Linda plays golf and pickleball and takes Spanish lessons through Espanol y Mas. Randy also golfs and attends classes offered by the Institute of Learning in Retirement. His all-time favorite class, which focuses on music and memory, is entitled The Song Remembers When. Randy highly recommends it for dancers and non-dancers alike.

Girls (and boys) just wanna have fun. (Photo by Sheila Honey)

Refresh and Refine

Dan Plattner

Reviewing West Coast Swing, Texas Two Step, New York Hustle, and the Viennese Waltz

It’s time to get your groove on and dance. It’s in our blood, and it’s in our DNA.

Dancing has been part of every culture for 4,000 years, according to written records, and cave paintings and rock art show dance dates back 20,000 years.

Studies in several countries have shown dancing improves balance and coordination, improves brain plasticity, and helps those who have Parkinson’s.

Recently, classes were taught in West Coast Swing, Texas Two Step, New York Hustle, and Viennese Waltz. In April, in an innovative first, the SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club is offering an opportunity to review these four dances. This is an opportunity to rethink and reinvigorate the steps and patterns learned and improve your technique, whether you took the beginner or intermediate classes or just want to refresh your dancing technique. Sign up for any or all classes on

Class Schedule:

West Coast Swing will be taught by Dave Proferl and Dottie Adams.

Beginner class on Tuesday, April 1, at 5 p.m.; Advanced class at 6 p.m.

Beginner class on Sunday, April 6, at 3 p.m.; Advanced class at 4 p.m.

Texas Two Step will be taught by Brian Hand and Sheila Honey.

Beginner class on Tuesday, April 8, at 5 p.m.; Advanced class at 6 p.m.

Beginner class on Sunday, April 13, at 3 p.m.; Advanced class at 4 p.m.

Viennese Waltz will be taught by Dale and Ann Pizzitola.

Beginner class on Tuesday, April 15, at 5 p.m.; Advanced class at 6 p.m.

Beginner class on Sunday, April 20, at 3 p.m.; Advanced class at 4 p.m.

Hustle will be taught by Roger and Linda Shamburg.

Beginner class on Sunday, April 27, at 3 p.m.; Advanced class at 4 p.m.

Beginner class on Tuesday, April 29, at 5 p.m.; Advanced class at 6 p.m.

All classes are held in the MountainView ballroom.

Novice Program

This program was designed for new dancers, those who have never danced before, those who think they have two left feet, or those who are apprehensive about starting to dance. Ann and Dale Pizzitola, our resident professional dance instructors, use teaching techniques which include step-by-step demonstration of simple steps and patterns reinforced with personal observation and good music and help to ensure you feel comfortable and ready to take our regular classes. Best of all, the Novice program is free to residents. You do not have to be an SBDC member. The classes are on Wednesdays at 4 p.m. in the Mariposa Room at DesertView. The April 2 class will feature Foxtrot and Meringue, and the April 9 class will feature Tango and Swing.

Novice Dance Party

For those taking the Novice program, there will be a Dance Party with instructors where you can review and practice the steps and patterns that you learned. The dance will be on Wednesday, April 23, at 4 p.m. in the Mariposa Room at DesertView.

Upcoming Events—Be There or Be Square

Details are still in the planning stages, but our next dance is scheduled for April 17 in the MountainView ballroom. Check the SaddleBrooke website at for more information on this Dance Party and to register. Also use the website to register for classes, dances, and updates on times and venues. Remember, dancing has been shown to improve your health in so many ways, and it’s just plain fun!