Dr. Syd Harriet
Syd Harriet, Ph.D., Psy.D. moved to SaddleBrooke from Denver, Colo. in 2014 having retired from teaching college-level creative writing for more than thirty years. Syd has been writing articles, non-fiction golf books, short stories, and novels since arriving as well as working as a literary agent at Agent’s Ink. Syd was also in private practice as a clinical psychologist primarily working with athletes, actors, musicians, and golfers dealing with performance anxiety. A Golf Kidnapping (Crystal Night Books) was inspired by a great classic novel called The Collector. Syd’s other published books include, Widows Wear Stilettos, Outsmarting the Golf Course Between Your Ears, Golf in the Zone! The Secret, The Fitzsimons Golf Club Murders, Noise, Teach Your Golf Pro To Teach, Choking Golf Choking, The Senior Golfers Answer Book, and others. All are available on Amazon either under Dr. Syd Harriet, Sydney Harriet, or Syd Harriet. Since the pandemic, Syd has been dealing with the reverie of isolation working on another novel tentatively called, The Deadly Lying Truth.
“It’s just amazing how the time flies when you sit down and see characters come to life,” Syd adds. “As I told all my students, the best way to write a book is to trick your mind away from believing you can’t write a book by using a method called, ‘The Kaisen Way.’ There’s a great video on the method on YouTube by a colleague, Dr. Bob Maurer.”
If you ever want to meet Syd you can find him almost every morning at SaddleBrooke One’s practice tee (after he writes) where he says he’s constantly in search for the holy grail of the perfect golf swing.
“I figure if I keep practicing for another fifty years, I’ll come close,” he said.