SaddleBrooke Artists Featured in Long Realty Gallery

Vivian Sathre shows off “Double Lilies,” one of her large floral paintings done in an acrylic medium. (Photo by LaVerne Kyriss)

Vivian Sathre shows off “Double Lilies,” one of her large floral paintings done in an acrylic medium. (Photo by LaVerne Kyriss)

LaVerne Kyriss

SaddleBrooke artists have a new location to show their work, thanks to local realtors. The gallery idea came from Lisa Gaare, branch manager at Long Realty’s Golder Ranch office. “I was looking for a way to both jazz up our office space and also do something to benefit our community,” Gaare said. She shared her idea of featuring locally produced artwork with fellow Realtor Joanne Wells and a plan was born.

“We decided to feature local artists from the SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild in rotating three-month, one-person shows,” Wells explained. “Many of the homes we sell are in SaddleBrooke and I know the community has a vibrant arts community. This offers us a beautiful environment for agents and our clients and gives our artists another venue to show off their work.” Oftentimes, home buyers are looking for art for their new surroundings and this helps introduce them to another source, Garre added.

“We started the program in early spring with a wine and cheese reception for folks to meet the artist. It was a hit and our first artist, Joanna Voisine, even sold several paintings at that successful event,” Wells said. “Unfortunately, we’ve had to postpone receptions in light of the continuing pandemic.”

Meanwhile, the work of Vivian Sathre is currently on display at the Long Realty Office at the south end of the Bashas’ shopping center in Catalina. She’s won numerous awards for work in watercolor, acrylic, and pastels. Her work has been featured in galleries in Washington and Oregon and in public buildings and private homes across the nation. Most recently, one of her paintings was selected for the cover of the Nov. 15 issue of the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

In 2016, Sathre decided to branch out into oils, learning to work in the alla prima style where the work is completed in one sitting, working wet on wet, although she still works in acrylics for larger pieces, she said. Sathre and her husband have lived in SaddleBrooke since 2009. To see her work at the Long Realty Gallery, contact Wells at 505-249-9223 or for a private tour. The office is open by appointment only until further notice.

Sathre’s artwork is also featured at You can contact Sathre directly at or 520-825-5279. For artwork by other SaddleBrooke artists, visit the Guild’s site at