Front row from left: Fran Weinberg, Linda Wilburg, Margaret Valair, Marje Valenti, Sy Efron and Greg Nelson; Back row: Vince Gwiazdowski, Gary Haslett, Keith Dickmann, Beaver Simpson and Jim Ryan; Not pictured: Laura Ingold and Bill Williams
Sally Haslett
Jim and Linda Ryan served up a great dinner in appreciation for the 13 volunteer leaders of the SaddleBrooke Indoor Cycle Group. In addition, Jim and Linda presented each leader with a special surprise, a shirt with the group logo on the front and their “name” on the back.
This a resident organized group founded by Jim five years ago. The first session was held on July 7, 2011. Interest in the sessions grew so quickly because it is an excellent cardio activity, that HOA 2 and the Health Fair Committee purchased top notch bikes in late 2011. In addition, HOA 2 recently paid for the certification of new volunteer leaders to meet growing demands.
Those in the group are grateful for Jim Ryan’s time, effort and dedication in helping SaddleBrooke residents lead healthier and active lives by providing us with a safe, year around aerobic, calorie burning, muscle building activity.
If you have questions contact Jim at jimryan@q.com.