Rotary Club

Rotary members front row (left to right): Garrett Resting, Marsha Lindeken, Maggie de Block, Jack Stebe; Back row: Roger Lindeken and Jim Ansell

Rotary members front row (left to right): Garrett Resting, Marsha Lindeken, Maggie de Block, Jack Stebe; Back row: Roger Lindeken and Jim Ansell

Fighting Hunger in the Copper Corridor

Maggie de Block

Help us fight hunger in Pinal County. The first step to making hunger disappear, according to the Feeding America Program, is to recognize the seriousness of the problem. Children face hunger through no fault of their own in higher numbers then the general population. One in five adults face hunger in Arizona, one in three children in Pinal County are going hungry.

The SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Cause Club is helping to address this crisis locally. Three times monthly, we volunteer at the Tri Community Food Bank in Mammoth. The food bank serves needy residents living in Oracle, San Manuel, Mammoth, and far north of Aravaipa, and east, as far as Reddington Pass. The Food Bank is an all-volunteer agency.

Help us tackle hunger for our neighbors:

1) Volunteer with SaddleBrooke Sunrise Cause Club members. Volunteers are needed especially on the first Wednesday morning of each month.

2) Support the upcoming SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) fundraiser, Feb. 20 through March 20.

Please contact either Ron Lenz at or Maggie de Block at

Pandemic Programming

Barbara Barr

As he approached his new role as the program chair for the Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke, Bob Christadore sent an email to each member. While he asked simple questions about favorite speakers and if we knew anyone who would make a great program, what Bob really did was open the door for excellent programs and help from club members. The benefits have been tremendous for all!

First a retired doctor, who snowbirds in Arizona, was back in Seattle for the summer. At his regular club meeting in Seattle, the program was a doctor who was on the front lines when COVID-19 first began in the USA. The program was about what the medical community faced and learned. It also included the doctor’s own personal battle with COVID-19. As soon as the meeting ended, our snowbird doctor booked the Seattle doctor to speak in SaddleBrooke on Zoom.

This was just the beginning of similar interesting programs for our club that were arranged by club members. Since then, other members have set up programs by a retired spy living on a houseboat in San Francisco Bay, the founder of a major Ronald McDonald House in the Las Angeles area, a relative of Gene Kelly doing a program on Tinseltown, and a joint Rotary meeting with a Rotary Club in Scotland.

The opportunities for great programs are endless and easier when you have a great team. Members have made contributions to exciting programs for our club, and it all started with a simple email from our new Program Chairman!

If this sounds like something of interest to you, then maybe you should be a Rotarian. The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke is open to those living or working in SaddleBrooke, SaddleBrooke Ranch, Catalina, Oracle, Oro Valley, and the surrounding area. As a service club, we have fun with our friends while we make a difference locally and globally. But we also get together weekly for fun and life-long learning. Plus, we love to socialize!

The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke meets weekly on Thursdays at midday. Before the pandemic, we met by the fireplace in the Agave Lounge of the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse for lunch and an interesting speaker or program. Currently we meet on Zoom. When SaddleBrooke One restaurants are open, some of the members meet for lunch at the Roadrunner Grill before adjourning to the Agave Lounge for the Zoom meeting. If you would like more information, please contact Wendy Guyton at 520-404-5712 or by email at