Republican Women of Pinal County

LaVerne Tucker

We would like you to consider joining Republican Women of Pinal County. We are part of the state Federation of Republican Women with an office in Washington D.C. Arizona Attorney Rae Chornenky was 2011 President of the National Republican Women and is a candidate for National Committeewoman in April, which is part of the RNC.

Barb Treick, JoAnn Evans, Janice Hacking and LaVerne Tucker attended the state meeting in Tempe February 28 and 29.

Our next SaddleBrooke meeting is Friday, March 18 at 10:00 a.m. in the Coyote Room in HOA 1 Clubhouse. Candidate State Senator Kelli Ward, who is also a practicing Physician, is running for U.S. Senator in the August Primary against U.S. Senator John McCain. After the meeting you are invited to lunch in the Roadrunner.

We hope you have sent in your early ballot for Republican President or go to the polls March 22. To volunteer or for more information, call LaVerne Tucker at 520-971-7766 or email President Barb Treick at