Republican Club July 2015 BBQ

SBRC member Doris Clatinoff, Arizona House Speaker Dave Gowan, President Mike Stites and Representative Vince Leach

SBRC member Doris Clatinoff, Arizona House Speaker Dave Gowan, President Mike Stites and Representative Vince Leach

Neil Macdonald

The SaddleBrooke Republican Club enjoyed a superb BBQ of chicken, burgers and potato salads plus fixings. We really appreciated the good food and the excellent service from the HOA 2 helpful staff. With more than eighty-five members and guests in attendance, we filled the Mesquite Grill and most of the outside tables. Members and guests had great food, excellent conversations and also got to meet with our county and state representatives in a delightful setting. This was one of those meetings where everyone got to visit with other members, our own board and also with many of our principal state and county leaders who came to discuss state and county issues. We did get to hear a few words from Sheriff Paul Babeu on some of the current border events and how Pinal still gets more than its share of drug trafficking passing through the county.

On a future event note, the SBRC is pleased to announce that Governor Doug Ducey has agreed to visit at SaddleBrooke HOA 2 to speak at a luncheon this September 15 in the MountainView Ballroom. We will provide more details as they become available. However, do mark this event on your calendars. This will be the first time Governor Ducey has visited SaddleBrooke as our Governor.

For membership information please email Neil Macdonald at