Questers Catalina Timewalkers Vintage/Thrifting Market Style

Timewalkers members view Michelle’s vintage treasures.

Michelle Wiklund

The Thrill of Thrifting (The Hunt) and Styling (Décor)!

There’s no question about it—the secondhand market is currently experiencing a golden age. Estate sales (popular in SaddleBrooke), flea markets, and thrift stores are bustling with activity as buyers seek wanted décor treasures or to add to their personal collections. But thrifting is also undeniably fun! Questers member Michelle Wiklund shared how the thrill of vintage market/thrifting (shopping) has allowed her to fill her home with unique and unexpected treasures.

There’s a thrill in picking up a beautiful, vintage fur at a vintage market only to look at the tag and realize it’s $95. And then repurpose that coat into a sofa throw. Or pick up glass candlesticks, then turn them over to find they’re Tiffany crystal! Or checking out that hand-painted lamp (cost $40) to discover it’s a vintage Frederick Cooper table lamp found on eBay for $429! Finding that unexpected treasure is one of the thrills of thrifting.

Here are expert-approved tips for scoring big while shopping “the vintage way”:

Always Pull Over: Never turn down the chance to make an impromptu thrifting stop.

Go Early and Often: Early arrival and frequency will boost your chances of finding the treasures before other shoppers do.

Look for Name Brands: Recognize China or stemware you know and love? Did you see the Waterford Seahorse imprint? Be ready to make snap decisions to take them home to use on that night’s dinner table!

Look for Structural Integrity: Look at the condition of the wood, whether there are deep gauges or scrapes, and assess whether there is water damage, including veneer lifting or swollen wood.

Visit a Variety of Stores: If you go to a thrift shop in Bisbee versus Scottsdale, it may look different than one in Tucson, but the prices will also look different.

Know Brand Marks: Do your research and find out where and how brands mark their items. It will make it easier to recognize a deal/authenticate a high-end piece.

Look High and Low: Look everywhere in the whole store. “People tend to browse the shelves at eye level. Give your legs a workout and do some squats to see what is on that bottom shelf,” said Wiklund.

Use Google Lens: Google Lens allows you to take a picture of an item and reverse image search it, bringing up exact or similar matches. This is a great way to determine if you’re getting a deal or overpaying for an item.

Know What’s Hot in 2025: 1950s sunglasses, Pyrex, vintage watches, Bakelite, Jadeite, brass candlesticks, carnival glass, silver items, and wicker patio furniture

Following guest presentations of their vintage items, co-hostess Mary Gates Zimdar helped serve a delicious lunch using vintage China, glassware, and flatware.

Interested in joining the Catalina Timewalkers Chapter of Questers? Meetings are usually held the third Friday of the month (October through May). For membership information, contact Leni Bowman by email at

Meeting and Questers’ purpose, mission, and vision information can be found at