QCO- Edited

QCO Is a Win-Win for You and Senior Village

Stephanie Thomas

It may sound like alphabet soup, but the letters QCO could represent dollar-for-dollar Arizona state tax credits for you, amounting to hundreds of dollars, and, at the same time, could benefit Senior Village.

QCO stands for Qualified Charitable Organization, which, in the simplest of terms, means that the state of Arizona allows you to donate to certain non-profits and take your donation as a credit against your Arizona state taxes.

Senior Village qualifies as one of these organizations due to the services our volunteers provide to aging seniors in this semi-rural area: transportation to appointments, therapy, groceries, and errands, as well as helping residents live more independently by doing odd jobs in the house and yard. Planned social events contribute to quality of life by engaging seniors in group activities to encourage interaction.

Here are the easy steps to lowering your state taxes while supporting the mission of Senior Village. We are grateful for whatever you choose to donate; every dollar stays in our community.

* Write a check for your donation to Senior Village, any amount up to $400 for a single taxpayer and $800 if filing jointly.

* You have until April 15 to take this Arizona credit for the previous year.

* Send your donation to Senior Village, P.O. Box 8584, Tucson, AZ 85738.

* Attach forms 321 and 301 to your state tax form in April. Include Senior Village’s ID number 20990.

* If you have questions, it’s best to seek advice from your tax consultant.

Sample of how QCO works for a couple: $950 Arizona tax due  – $800 donation to Senior Village = $150 amount owed to Arizona tax.

Linda Hampton, executive director of Senior Village, thanks volunteers for supporting their community with their gifts of time and energy.

Dedicated Volunteers Celebrated

Stephanie Thomas

Ice cream sundaes with all the toppings, a fun raffle with prizes, a get-acquainted “people Bingo” game, a guitar troubadour, and the awarding of recognition pins all contributed to the festivities of the Senior Village volunteer appreciation event.

Week in and week out, every month of the year, Village volunteers offer their time, skills, and gas mileage to serve our community. To honor their commitment, the Senior Village Board of Directors annually sponsors a gathering to bring them together and recognize their service.

The October event in the ballroom at SaddleBrooke TWO buzzed with animated conversations. Anticipation built as guests awaited the sundae bar and joked about who could be first in line. SaddleBrooke guitarist Randall Dighton added to the merriment with his folk songs. He performed as a gesture of thanks for Senior Village’s COVID vaccination clinics that protected over 5,000 SaddleBrooke residents.

The highlight of the evening was the awarding of longevity pins, along with pins for outstanding service by volunteers who performed 10 requests per month and/or gave over 10 hours of service per month over the past nine months.

• One-year pins: 62

• Three-year pins: 37

• Five-year pins: 46

• Outstanding Service pins: 38

The Senior Village Board of Directors and SaddleBrooke community offer their gratitude to the 216 volunteers who make it possible for our residents to continue living independently in their homes. Thank you for showing what it means to be “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.”