Terry Jackson shows the certificate and new signage to the crew members (left to right): Doug Sifford, Kris Lenihan, Linda Vail, Mark Stakemiller, Martha Stakemiller, Jean Medema, Don Burkhead, Pat Tarr, Lori Polichnowski Sifford, and Terry Jackson. (Photo by Tom Frost)
Raymond H. Goettsch
On April 21 Pinal County honored the SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association (SPA) for clearing trash from Edwin Road for five years. Near the signage of SPA’s clean-up commitment, Jim Higgenbotham, Pinal County Public Works maintenance manager, read a proclamation lauding SPA and its volunteer members for participating in the clean-up program. Jennifer Corrallejo, Pinal County administrative specialist, presented Terry Jackson, SPA board member and coordinator of the SPA clean-up crew, an Outstanding Volunteer certificate to SPA, as several of the SPA member clean-up crew looked on. The certificate stated that it was in recognition of five years of volunteering with Pinal County’s Adopt A County Road program. SPA was also awarded an “Outstanding Volunteer” sign to be added to SPA’s “Adopt A County Road” sign at the intersection of Edwin Road and Elkin Road. Jackson held the certificate and new sign to show the SPA members of the clean-up crew present: Linda Vail, Mark Stakemiller, Martha Stakemiller, Don Burkhead, Jean Medema, Kris Lenihan, Lori Polichnowski Sifford, and Pat Tarr, as well as crew member Doug Sifford. Jackson and the crew then went to the “Adopt A County Road” sign with the crew, hoisting the “Outstanding Volunteer” sign to show how the new signage would look.