PBNG to Visit the Tucson Vegan Night Market

Fun times at the Vegan Night Market in June

Varda Main

Have you ever wondered about where to go out to eat in the Tucson area and get a plant-based meal? New eateries seem to be cropping up quickly. Deciding where it’s worth dining can be a challenge. Tucson’s Vegan Night Market may be the solution to this.

Tucson’s Vegan Night Market is a vegan food, drink, music, and more event held quarterly at the Rillito Park Farmers Market Pavilion. It’s a great opportunity to learn about the many, varied, and growing number of vegan vendors in the Tucson area, sample many different vegan dishes, and have a great time while doing it.

At the Vegan Night Market, you can sample the wares from about 50 vendors. It is hosted by Death Free Foodie (the official guide to all things vegan in Tucson) and Tucson Foodie (the website covering the latest on the Tucson food and beverage scene). Vegan Night Market is now also partnering with Heirloom Farmers Market. The number of vendors and attendees has been growing from one Night Market to the next. There were about 4,000 attendees at the June Night Market, including four members of the SaddleBrooke Plant Based Nutrition Group (PBNG).

PBNG is the place to learn more about what it means to go plant-based, the effects this can have on your health, how to go about doing it, and much, much more. All SaddleBrooke residents are welcome, whether you are already on a plant-based diet or whether you are first considering what a plant-based diet is all about. PBNG is planning to arrange carpools to drive down to the Vegan Night Market on Saturday, Sept. 7. Interested in going? Go to PBNG’s website sbpbwf.wixsite.com/website and click on Events and then on the Vegan Night Market to register to go. And for more information on PBNG, contact [email protected].