Partners Western Club fall 2014

Jane Gromelski

What is Partners Western Dance? It is like a multi-layered cake. The first layer is the Texas Two Step; there are so many great country songs that lend themselves to the Two Step. Then there is the Swing layer with lots of free movement. The top layer is the Waltz! The dance floor is always full when a romantic Waltz is played and in Country Waltz we are always whirling around the floor. The frosting? Ah, that is our Partner Pattern Dances! Some are slow and flowing, Straight From the Heart and some are simple but fast, the Cotton Eyed Joe, but they all are amazing to see when the dance floor is filled! The best thing? We aren’t perfect; we have fun!

We have dances lined up for the fall: Wild Ride will play on Tuesday, November 11. On Monday, December 29 we will have a pre New Year’s Eve Dance with Branded Duo. Please mark your calendar; you won’t want to miss any of these ground pounding, boot stomping good times! Membership in the club is open to all SaddleBrooke residents and dues are $15 per person per year. If you join this fall you will be paid through December of 2015.

If you wish lessons in Western Dancing, Stan and I will be teaching classes in October. It is hard to wait until then but the reward of the joy you will have once you are dancing will be worth the wait. Don’t miss out on the fun; join us and sample our multi-layered dance cake. For information email me at [email protected].

Yee Haw!