Unit Happenings – January 2025

Preserve Ladies Who Lunch

Cyclemasters Tour de Tucson

SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild – January 2025

State Parties

Iowa It is now time to make your plans for the Iowa Party set for Wednesday, February 26, 2014. We have set out the details of the evening and are in hopes you can attend. Originally we had planned a potluck; however, because of the number of people who want to attend, we have reserved…

SaddleBrooke Variety Show: 50th High School Reunion

Can you match the actors…then 1964 and now 2014? Ted Robu attended Stockbridge High School where he starred in Track and Field. He has excelled as a headline performer in all previous Variety Shows. He’ll play Todd Olafson and sing numerous songs in the show. Gail Nelli graduated from Sodus Central High School in Sodus, New York. She…

Caring for community

Nan Nasser The mission statement of Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church includes the phrase “called to live as disciples of Jesus Christ as we care for our community” and that is just what members and friends of MSPC have been doing in the November/December holiday season. During the month of November, congregants contributed food and money…

Dexter’s Place goes to the dogs

The Chia pet

On Halloween day the big happening of the year for our four legged friends took place in the SaddleBrooke Dog Park, Dexter’s Place. If you emanate sounds that go woof and like hard packed treats, then Dexter’s Place was the place to be. As Kathy Majer, who organized the event said, “It was the big…

Free tax seminar planned

The AARP Foundation in conjunction with the IRS supports a free service to help taxpayers file their annual income tax returns. The program, called Tax-Aide, is mainly targeted at seniors and low and middle income families but does serve a wide range of taxpayers of any age. Clients do not have to be members of…

Canada Del Oro Barbershop Chorus performs with guest quartets

Don Bott When the SaddleBrooke’s Canada del Oro Barbershop Chorus performs its Goodtime Barbershop Variety Show at the DesertView Performing Arts Center on Wednesday, March 5, guest artists will include two champion harmony quartets. Audacity, the international senior barbershop quartet champions, sang with the chorus a couple of years ago. Their songs of old are…