Unit Happenings – January 2025

Preserve Ladies Who Lunch

Cyclemasters Tour de Tucson

SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild – January 2025

Volleyball Club holds karaoke party

Volleyball Club members and guests enjoyed dinner and karaoke at the Cadillac Chaparral Steakhouse.

Chris Borden There are over 130 listed clubs in the SaddleBrooke Directory with a variety of interests, but ask any member of the Volleyball Club and they’ll tell you there is more fun to share than any other activity can offer! Not only are members of all ages welcome (yes, even kids and grandkids get…

Holiday season pep talk

Susan Dawson-Cook Family is coming into town, parties are scheduled every night of the week and shopping and package mailing need to get done. The excitement and chaos of the holiday season has arrived. Soon that sabotaging voice in your head says, “I don’t have time to exercise and I need to splurge to deal…

Jigsaw puzzle library is open!

Pat Schlote We would like to welcome back our SaddleBrooke Snowbird Puzzlers who may not know about the re-establishment of the Jigsaw Puzzle Library. We have successfully been back in business for a few months now with the supply growing steadily (250 to 3,000 pieces). We have a wide range of jigsaws available for people…

Chit, Chat and Chow!

Members of the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club enjoyed dinner at the Olive Garden on November 10.

Dorothy Wood It’s an understatement to say that we in the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club love line dancing. On a weekly basis, we can dance over 15 hours at various club sessions. In the pyramid of priorities, line dancing falls somewhere between food and shelter. But even the most diehard dancers, at some point, need…