SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

MPWGA Ace of the Month Awards

Front row, left to right: Paula Michaels, Ralene Peters, Ann Martin and Lee Rock. Back row, left to right: Connie Sherman, Allison Luster, Linda Schauer, Susan Becker, Karen Wilson and Judith Kirkland

The MPWGA held its Holiday Luncheon and Business meeting on December 16. At that time, the Ace of the Month winners for August through December were recognized. They received embroidered golf towels courtesy of L&M Painting. The winners were as follows: Ace of the Month Gross: Ann Martin, Paula Michaels, Connie Sherman, Karen Wilson, Linda…

2 Your Health – January 2015

Editor’s Note: “2 Your Health” is a new column in the SaddleBrooke Progress dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering changing…

Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries – January 2015

Author Lynn Wiese Sneyd

Winnie Ruth Judd: The Trunk Murderess – lecture February 19 Jane Brancaccio Can Phoenix, Arizona claim a real murderess? What happened on the night of October 16, 1931? Who was the Blonde Butcher? Did Winnie Ruth Judd kill her two roommates? What was the motive? On October 16, 1931, two women were killed with a .25…

Celebrate with the Network – February 4

It’s our third anniversary so celebrate with the network and save the date, February 4, and come to the HOA 1 Activities Center from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome! 3,600 volunteer hours plus 245 adoptions plus $13,500 donated from gifts and fundraising to local rescues and shelters made 2014 a PAWsitively super success!…

A new local chapter being formed

Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) is a nonprofit veterans’ service association dedicated to maintaining a strong national defense and to preserve the earned entitlements of members of the uniformed services and their families and survivors. MOAA is the current Co-Chair of The Military Coalition (TMC) which is a consortium of 33 influential military and…