SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

State Parties – February 2015

Maryland Former Marylanders, you can’t celebrate the state’s 381st birthday on Wednesday, March 25 at 5:00 p.m. at the Mesquite Grill at HOA 2 unless you draft a check to Maryland State Party. The cost is $25 per person. Get your check to Nancy Blackwell (520-818-9309) either by mailing it or delivering it to Nancy…

SaddleBrooke Singers prepares to rock you!

Top: Hal Neu and Ted Robu; Bottom: Laurie Page and Carol Merlini; photo by Sam Page

Sam Page Hard at work rehearsing (and having fun at the same time!), the SaddleBrooke Singers is preparing to rock the audience with its spring concert, Mamma Mia, Jersey Boys, and Friends. From the musical based on the songs of ABBA the group will sing I Have a Dream, Waterloo, Dancing Queen, S.O.S., Take a Chance on…

Knit Wits holiday party

Willie Reich and Helen Nack deliver toys to SaddleBrooke firemen.

Helen Nack Knit Wits kicked off the holiday season with a potluck brunch, toy drive for Toys for Tots, and treats for the fire stations serving all of the SaddleBrooke communities. The brunch included both traditional Christmas and Hanukah fare: Christmas goodies and potato latkes with sour cream and apple sauce. Two antique menorahs were…