SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

Part 20: Classic Argentine Tango Dance styles

Lidia and Hector Legrand If you are interested in learning more about Argentine Tango and Tango events in SaddleBrooke, please visit our website,, where you can also read Parts 1 through 19 of this series. Tango Canyengue is a style from the early 1900s, still popular today. It contains all elements of traditional Argentine…

DesertView Cinema Club: job opening

Bob Goodman After a wonderful 10 years of serving as the able Publicist for the DesertView Cinema Club, Dick Fleming has decided to retire. Many thanks to Dick for his fine work. As a result, we need a new volunteer for this position. What does the Publicist do? He/she puts together notices for the SaddleBrooke…

Summer in the Word

Terry Barringer Are you looking for a little spiritual pick me up? The Women’s Ministry at the Community Church at SaddleBrooke has just the offering for you. Summer in the Word is a six week series that will introduce you to some thought provoking subjects. Six women will share their message on a wide variety…

Silver Belles entertain former Silver Belle

The Silver Belles joined by the Silver Beaus

With performances at Friendship Villas, Country Club of La Cholla, Catalina Springs Memory Care and the MountainView Retirement Villas, as well as performing during the breaks at the Spring Dance Expo held at the MountainView Clubhouse and sponsored by Studio West, spring has been a very busy time for the Silver Belles. A particular memorable…

University of Arizona Theater expert visits SaddleBrooke

Bill Trapp On Tuesday, March 10 the SaddleBrooke Theater Guild sponsored a workshop on theater sound presentation for residents and HOA2 staff members. Matt Marcus, Theater Sound Designer at the University of Arizona, graciously volunteered his services and presented a variety of methods to improve sound quality for theater and musical productions. The morning session…