Let the Fun Begin, Ya Know!

Hawaiian Hula Group Looking for New Students

Senior Village at SaddleBrooke – February 2025

Looking Back and Turning a New Page

Last chance for summer fitness specials

This is your last chance to purchase SaddleBrooke HOA Two’s summer specials. The specials end August 31, though they do not expire for six months. The first special is only $400 for 10 one hour sessions or for 20 half hour sessions, a $50 savings! The second special is $400 for 8 one hour sessions…

Master Gardener Program — College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Volunteers make a difference Kathie Griffin The SaddleBrooke Master Gardener Volunteers love gardening and can’t stop talking about the unique challenges in growing plants in the high desert. As a part of University of Arizona Pinal Cooperative Extension, our mission is to provide the public with research-based home horticultural information through educational programs and projects.…

Hello, “Jewel” generation

We are now up and running on our website: www.jewelgeneration.com. If this is your first time visiting our site, Jewel is an acronym for Journal for Experienced Women Enjoying Life. Our website is still very basic but we are working hard to expand it as we get more volunteers to help with articles and informational…

Wonder what SaddleBrooke Troop Support does?

SaddleBrooke Troop Support (STS) continues its good works for the military, both active duty and veterans. Your donations support many ongoing projects that supply food and clothing to those in need. Every month STS purchases food items worth $300 and delivers them along with any donated food to three military food banks in the Tucson…

Unit Happenings

Volunteers, front row: Kathy Vonderheid, Gary Greenbaum, Lea Stocks, Suzanne Donlon, Karen Pachis, Sandy Bryant, Dale Leman, Pat Donlon; back row: Chris Toney, Dave Thomas, Chairwoman Diane Korn, Ruth Leman, Bob Stocks, Joanne Thomas, Brian Stocks, Marsha Liakos, John Hanna

Unit 3 South Frank Strubel July fourth is always a party day – so John and Barbara Fortino used the evening to invite everyone to their lovely backyard to celebrate Independence Day. About 45 people attended the ice cream social and neighbors brought cookies, red, white and blue cupcakes and chocolate fudge brownies. Hmmm –…

SaddleBrooke Community-Outreach Happenings

Heading to Ridgeview Boulevard for the long walk

Walkathon scheduled for October 24 Nan Nasser Get ready to join the hundreds of walkers of all ages and some four footed friends as they head out on the annual SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Walkathon. The date is October 24 starting at the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse parking lot with warm-ups led by Vital Moves beginning at 7:30…