SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

Republican Club June 10 meeting recap

Border Patrol Officer George Gentzsch meeting with Vince Leach

Neil Macdonald The SaddleBrooke Republican Club welcomed U.S. Border Patrol Officer George Gentzsch, Representative Vince Leach and Garland Shreves to our June 10 meeting Garland Shreves, Chairman of Citizens For Fair Taxation, spoke to us all on the need for recall of the four members of the CAC Governing Board so as to rescind this…

How Tai Chi builds health and vitality

Carol Emerson Studies have shown that there are many health benefits from practicing Tai Chi. These may include: Improved functional balance and physical performance Reduced frequency of falls and risk of falling Lowered blood pressure Improved mental and physical wellbeing Improved cardiovascular and respiratory function Improved sleep quality Increased happiness (really) Enhanced overall health Pain…

State Parties

Oregon Doug Sweetland For all of those Oregonians who live year round in SaddleBrooke or those who enjoy their winter months here, you are invited to attend our 2015 Oregon State party. The event will be held November 5 at the Mesquite Grill from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. As with our event in March 2014,…

Jewish Friendship Group news

Marilyn Anthony Happy Hour returns on August 12 at 5:00 p.m. in the back bar at the Agave Lounge in HOA1. We hope to be serving vegetarian pizzas and appetizers. There will be no charge for this event and a cash bar. No need to RSVP for this event. Unfortunately the Father’s Day BBQ was…

New Missions Ministry at Resurrection Church

Shown with packages of diapers are Wanda Hutchison, Charles Dunn, Steve Carnahan and Sharon Sneen; photo by Clayton Thomas.

David Stanard There’s a new Missions Ministry at Resurrection Church at SaddleBrooke. This one involves diapers and is recognition of the overwhelming need for diapers for people of all ages, young and old, in the Tucson area. On Sunday, May 24 church attendees were asked to bring diapers to the Sunday service. The response was…