SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

Fox Trot and Tango classes: register early!

Claudia Booth and Dave Poferi

Long before any of us were taking our first steps, Irene and Vernon Castle were fashioning the Fox Trot into the newest dance craze. The Fox Trot is still, over a hundred years later, one of the favorite ballroom dances. Both slow and upbeat versions are staples in every DJ’s repertoire. In October, the Let’s…

’Tis the season! Holiday POPS Concert

Robert H. Ross Music and sing-along featuring Nota Bene will perform at Oro Valley United Church of Christ. Nota Bene, a popular Tucson trio, will perform a joyous concert of music of the holiday season at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 29, 2015, at Oro Valley United Church of Christ located at 1401 E. El…

Word of The Month

Antimacassar David Zapatka Reader and fellow New Adventures In Learning student, Terry Meury, suggested a word for something we have all seen but few would be able to properly name; antimacassar / æntɪməˈkæsə/. You will certainly remember seeing armrest covers on sofas and headrest covers on chairs in your parents’ or grandparents’ homes. You may have…

Whats New at SaddleBrooke Computer Club?

Richard Beaty Fall Classes Are Underway SaddleBrooke Computer Club’s fall lineup of classes has started. To see what classes are scheduled, check out the club calendar at and click on the Calendar link. To sign up for a class, click the Enrollment link. Club members can register for as many classes as they wish…

Want a real western experience?

Dorothy Wood Dancing Horse Ranch, right here on the eastern edge of SaddleBrooke, is looking for some volunteer help with feeding, watering and corral cleaning for their eight horses. The chores are light, the horses are gentle and the folks are friendly. Several SaddleBrooke homeowners stable their horses here. As little as an hour or…