SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

Golf course maintenance crew appreciation event December 18

Don Plapinger On Friday, December 18 the Green Committee will host the eighth annual Holiday Appreciation Luncheon for the members of the MountainView and Preserve Golf Course Maintenance Crew. The maintenance workers are not HOA 2 employees and they do not benefit from the HOA 2 employee appreciation effort. All contributions go directly to the…

SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings

SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Adopt a Family wrappers have tea and cookies to celebrate finishing their wrapping in 2014. Photo courtesy of Judy Padgham.

General meeting and School Volunteer Fair – November 16 SaddleBrooke Community Outreach, in proud partnership with three local area schools, presents our first School Volunteer Fair. Our mission is to introduce the volunteer opportunities for residents to learn about the need for volunteers at nearby schools and how you can make a difference. This is…

Unit Happenings

Left to right: Jennifer and Judee Lund, Elizabeth Vaughan, Patti Overhaug, Kathy Rambur, Sol Flaugher, Karen Bettencourt, Ruth Larsen, Kathy Soerens, Greta Von Wrangel and Martha Jenkins; photo by Fran Berman

Unit 5 Ladies always up for a good time Fran Berman Every month Unit 5 women have a chance to get together for a good food time. In the odd numbered months, we gather in one of our homes for morning coffees which are always much more than coffee. Chocked full of great food, conversation…

ILR – Institute for Learning in Retirement

Forensic Scientist Bart Epstein

Meet the instructors – Bart Epstein Ken Marich The ILR is proud to introduce Bart Epstein, an expert in criminalistics. I’m sure most of you have watched a TV program call CSI (Crime Scene Investigation). Well, Bart will be presenting a behind the scenes look at how forensic scientists use technology to help solve crimes.…

Sonoran Bells presents Ring in the Season – Sunday, December 13 at 3:00 p.m.

The Sonoran Bells

Donna Langwig Sonoran Bells, Tucson’s premier community handbell ensemble, will close their 2015 season on December 13 with a concert at Vista de la Montaña Methodist Church, 3001 E. Miravista Lane in Catalina. Under the direction of Shannon Casey, the program will feature traditional carols and contemporary arrangements of holiday songs. Sonoran Bells, established in…