May FSL Lecture to Feature ‘The Mariachi Miracle’

Calling All Owl Lovers

Boot Prints: Dave Corrigan

Cyclemasters Bike Maintenance and Chili Cook-Off

Father-son team win 25th annual Roadrunner Classic

SMGA President Greg Tarr presents Bertil and Fredrik Sultan with the coveted RoadRunner Classic Saddle Trophies.

The Silver Anniversary twenty-fifth annual RoadRunner Classic Member-Guest Tournament was held April 21, 22 and 23 at the SaddleBrooke One Golf Course with guest participants coming from as far away as Florida to Hawaii to play with their SMGA partners. There were a total of 96 players entered in the tournament in eight flights. The…

What’s new at SaddleBrooke’s Computer Club?

Richard Beaty Summer Classes The Computer Club classroom resides in the HOA2 Arts and Crafts Center. The planned remodeling of this facility means that we cannot schedule any classroom-based courses during the summer. We are looking into other options, including discussion/demonstration classes that could be held elsewhere. Keep an eye on our website calendar (…

English Country Dancers

Some happy English country dancers; photo by Bob O’Grady

Enid Fowler Well – as they used to sing in the Olde English song, “summer is a coming in” – and that it is! But fortunately we can still do the delightful English country dances in the lovely cool Vermilion Room at SaddleBrooke One and get some great exercise and enjoy the camaraderie. Although most…

SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild offers summer classes

Eileen Aird The SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild is offering summer art classes open to all SaddleBrooke residents. The classes for beginning and intermediate students are designed to give participants a chance to explore various art methods or to refine their technique in a particular media. There is a modest fee per class and for some…

Longtime pianist honored

Georgie Hourigan The Sonoran Singers honored their esteemed accompanist Carolyn Cochran for her years of skill and devotion to the women’s chorus. A certificate of achievement was presented along with a Chico’s gift certificate. Liz Spielman made delicious, lemony Bundt cakes for everyone to enjoy. Carolyn will join her church’s singing group and hopefully come…

Saturday Morning Bridge clinic

Paul Shalita This clinic is a practice and critique session designed for players at intermediate and advanced levels who desire to improve their bridge. No partner is necessary. No time commitment; come late, leave early. Meet potential new partners. Sessions run from 9:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday mornings at 37901 S. Arroyo Way in…