May FSL Lecture to Feature ‘The Mariachi Miracle’

Calling All Owl Lovers

Boot Prints: Dave Corrigan

Cyclemasters Bike Maintenance and Chili Cook-Off

SaddleBrooke Winds and Strings

Edwin Sand This ensemble began in SaddleBrooke four years ago to provide an opportunity for local musicians who hadn’t played for a while to dust off their instrument and get together. The ensemble rehearses Friday mornings at the Bistro at SaddleBrooke HOA 2 MountainView from 8:15 until 10:00 a.m. What began as a small group…

Knit Wits news

The first Wednesday of each month is Show and Tell. Members show projects they have been working on and the rest of the group oohs and ahhhs over the beautiful items. This is a chance for everyone to get ideas for our next project and with luck maybe even using up some stash yarn. We…

Oil painting classes for everyone

Midge (left) and Cheryl enjoyed creating these oil paintings.

Cheryl Fay We have many things to choose from here in SaddleBrooke, but one of my best decisions was to sign up for Wanda Tucker’s oil painting class. What a great choice that was. Everyone in the class from beginner to advanced was supportive, friendly and just plain fun. And a bonus was that I…