May FSL Lecture to Feature ‘The Mariachi Miracle’

Calling All Owl Lovers

Boot Prints: Dave Corrigan

Cyclemasters Bike Maintenance and Chili Cook-Off

Espanol… y Más

Judy Freeman Remember: Learning a new language helps your brain stay fit! Join up to do exactly that and have lots of fun, too! Why just study Spanish anywhere else when you can learn to speak it with Español y Más? Each Step is a class meeting each week for 12 weeks, starting the week…

Knit Wits puts family first

Eileen Bartsch has knitted many baby items that go to Family First.

Carol Chiarello The SaddleBrooke Knit Wits have been busy this summer. We delivered a carload of baby items to Family First. These blankets, hats and sweaters, knitted and crocheted by our members over the last few months, will help needy families in our area. Dianne Resseguie, head of the Service Committee, said “Family First provides…

English Country Dancers notice

Some of our summer dancers still enjoying English Country Dancing; photo by Bob ‘O’Grady

  Enid Fowler It’s too darn hot — to be exercising outside, but you can still get some delightful exercise in the cool Vermilion Room at the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse doing English Country Dancing on Thursday afternoons from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Although we miss our snowbird dancers, there are still enough of us left…

Busy as a swarm of Beeezz

A joint venture

Lynne Kumza The dog days of summer didn’t slow the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club down one bit. We were very beeezzzy this summer with many different activities. There is something new happening at our club; Sharing Steps is a joint venture between Rancho Vistoso Line Dance Club and our club here in SaddleBrooke. A plan…