SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

What’s new at the Computer Club?

Gloria Quigg New Website Is Online We’ve been alluding to a new website for SaddleBrooke Computer Club for a couple of months. It is now online. Our webmaster Richard Beaty made a great effort to keep the look and feel of our old site on our new site so it will seem very familiar. Now…

Live young

Susan Dawson-Cook, M.S. Remember when your mom told you to act your age? A request that made sense for you to obey as a youth might not be in your best interest now. Rebel against acting your age as an older adult and you’ll experience increased vitality, fitness and health. Living Young is just one…

Want to become a Master Gardener?

Barb Nicholson Master Gardeners are your neighbors and friends who have taken it upon themselves to complete the requirements for Master Gardener certification. If you are interested in becoming a Master Gardener volunteer, then you are invited to enroll in the Master Gardener Training Course for the fall of 2017. This is an intensive 15-week…

Sharing the love with Tucson’s Youth

Tucson Subaru presented YOTO with a check for $69,534 on Wednesday, April 13.

Tonya Milazzo For the third year in a row, Tucson Subaru is excited to present a generous donation check to a local nonprofit organization, Youth On Their Own (YOTO), as a part of Subaru’s national Share The Love event! This year Tucson Subaru presented YOTO with a check for $69,534 on Wednesday, April 13 at…