SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

Interpreting the stars

Jim O’Connor interpreting the stars; photo by Dan Chase

Pam Boedeker SaddleBrooke Nature Club has found some of our greatest resources right here! Jim O’Connor is an outstanding example of someone who has found time in retirement to delve further into a special interest. Fortunately for us he is willing to share his wealth of information on astronomy and its relevance to Native Americans.…

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

Hikers who were on the trip to Friends are, left to right: Arlene Gerety, Louise Powers, Gail Bergdahl, Joe Maurizzi, Kathy Johnston, Mary Hlusko, Sandy Rose, Joyce Maurizzi; photo by Dave Sorenson (not in picture).

Dave Sorenson As part of the April hiking club trip to Page, Arizona members of the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club visited the leading animal sanctuary in the United States in Kanab, Utah. The tour of the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, which places some 8000 dogs and cats each year, was on April 19. The facility has…

SBWGA 18 happenings

Reva Stolpe and Gloria Eby

Geri Sandilinds We are dazzled by the wide smiles on the faces of Reva Stolpe, Gloria Eby and Yvonne Le Cornu. We didn’t have to look far to see the reason why: Reva and Gloria smashed a very difficult barrier and broke 100 in league play for the first time and Yvonne won a Southern…

Geneology Club news

Lydia O’Connor The May meeting of the SaddleBrooke Genealogy Club was conducted by Pat Rourke-Spencer. She read a thank you from our president of two years, Kerry Wolfe, thanking everyone for their hard work throughout her tenure. We had three visitors. The minutes and treasurer’s reports were reviewed and approved. Our new slate of officers…

The beat goes on – summer line dancing with Rebecca

Monday afternoons bring these intrepid dancers out to enjoy the exercise and fun in Line Dance class with Rebecca. Fun continues through all the summer heat; hope the A/C has been serviced!

Mark Magdanz Why Line Dance? Research reveals that the best exercise results may be obtained by combining music, learning, socializing, balance and coordination at varying intensity burst intervals. All these factors can be found on the line dance floor. Build a better brain, increase your balance and fitness, have fun all with one activity. Sign-ups…

SBCO summer food program for students

During the school year and summer school, children in the Mammoth and San Manuel area who qualify for free breakfast and lunch receive food assistance through the public schools; however, in the six-week gap between the end of summer school and the beginning of the regular school year, these students lack access to proper nutrition.…